Rachel Thorpe: Tomb Raider

A pictorial short story






This had better be good. I. Am. On. Va. CATION!
... Say that again?
... I'll be there in five.

I apologize for the interruption, Miss Thorpe. 
We've analyzed the fragments you sent us, and they're genuine.

I'm afraid the bad news is that your documents and maps have been tampered with. I've been studying them long enough to know that the ones we have now are fakes. The originals have been stolen. 

You should leave immediately. 
If somebody else gets there first, we'll never get those artifacts for the museum.

Piece of cake. Don't worry so much.

My contact at the market will get me on a plane fast. 

Trading in a nice cool dojo for a hot desert wasn't what I had planned

... and I'll also be needing the package I left with you before. Yes. My tools.



base camp


Oh, Hello, what have we here?


Did somebody really think that would slow me down?

Oh, pardon me, Master Yoda.

Raiding your tomb, I am.

There won't be bugs in here. There won't be bugs in here. There won't be bugs in here.

I know a trap when I see one.

I also know gold when I see it.

This could be a minor annoya-----


Maybe room for just one more.


Home again, home again, jiggity jog


 You know, I don't think anybody will mind if I keep just a liiiiittle ... uh ... finder's fee, now will they?


Ah, just what I needed to fill that empty space in the corner.